The Free Evangelical Church of Heraklion is a bible-believing church that strives to identify with the words of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to cultivate an environment and a community in which love for God and a sense of a spiritual family is nurtured.
Our vision is to see people saved, healed, and set free, and to help spiritually train, equip, and empower them to serve God, all through the saving grace of Jesus Christ and through a deep and meaningful relationship with Him.
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
We believe in one eternal God who is the Creator of all things. He exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
We affirm that the Bible, composed of the Old Testament and the New Testament, is the perfect Word of God. The Bible is the source of all correct doctrine, and the source of the Bible is God himself.
All humans are born sinful, having inherited this nature from our forefather and foremother Adam and Eve. As a result, all humankind is separated from God, who is holy, righteous, and divine, and cannot abide sin.
Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, came down from heaven for the salvation of humankind. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary as a man into the world, suffered, and was crucified in our place.
He was buried, and on the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and now sits on the right hand of the Father, and intercedes for us.
This gift of salvation through Jesus Christ's sacrifice is a free gift to all humankind and is not based on works, but on the merits of His death, and is obtained through grace by faith. This means that salvation is a free gift and it comes to those who personally repent, and accept Jesus as their own Saviour and Lord.
Salvation gives humans the right to enter into Gods Kingdom, which begins on Earth, but is perpetual in eternal life after death.
Through salvation, the saved become sealed with the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, who resides within those who belong to Him and provides guidance, an enhanced conscience, and spiritual power.
Simply stated, we are a church that believes in the Bible and in the saving power of the blood of Jesus Christ. We are an Evangelical church, which means that we adhere to the evangelios, or the Bible, which has supreme authority for doctrine. The "Free" in the name comes from the fact that we are essentially separate from government. Theology and policy definitions are not dictated by the government in any way.
We have services every Sunday at 12:30 PM where there is worship, teaching, as well as the Lord's Supper. Services typically end around 2:00 PM.
Every Thursday at 7:00 PM, we have a prayer meeting, where we share topics of prayer, petition, and thanksgiving.
Every Saturday at 7:00 PM we have either worship and bible study sessions where we dig deeper into many of the topics and issues that are relevant to society today, or a worship and sharing evening, where we sing together, share personal experiences, and enjoy a light snack and fellowship with one another. Occasionally we also have other special events that take place on Saturdays. For more information, please contact us.
The church is located near the centre of the City of Heraklion. For detailed directions, take a look at the Find Us section.
When you arrive you will be greeted by our friendly members. Come in, choose your seat, and have a friendly chat before the service begins. If you require translation services, take a look at the next question.
In almost all of our services, translation is provided into English using wireless devices. Ask for one at the door when you arrive.
Every Sunday during the morning service there is Sunday school for children up to 12 years of age. This is available during the school year except for the months of July, August, and September.
While we do not have a dress code we do ask that all visitors dress respectfully as this is a place of worship.
Every Saturday we have either worship and bible study sessions, a worship night with singing and sharing of personal experiences, or occasionally, special event. Contact us for more info. (Saturday meetings do not take place during the months of July and August)
Join us for worship, teaching, as well as the Lord's Supper. Services typically end around 2:30 PM.
Every Thursday at 7:00 PM we have a prayer meeting, where we share topics of prayer, petition, and thanksgiving. (Thursday prayer meetings do not take place during August)